The word – “Redeemed” has several meanings that are very important to all of us - some have to do with what God has already done for us, and some have to do with what we can do for good and for the Kingdom. Here are several examples of meaning:  setting free from captivity or slavery, buying back something lost or sold, exchanging something in one's possession for something possessed by another, using something meant for evil to do good.

At one point, all of us were lost, we were in sin, we were captive, and we were all headed down the road of destruction. Then God stepped in through his Son Jesus and exchanged all of that by finding us, forgiving us, setting us free, and then putting us on the right path of life – eternal life. In other words – He Redeemed us! He took what had been used for evil and for selfish purposes and now uses us for good – for His good. Aren’t we glad for his amazing grace!

How does redemption work for us? How can we actually redeem anything? The greatest way for us to experience redemption is to live our lives for God’s glory and his Kingdom. We can also demonstrate redemption in the way we live our lives. We can use the things in life that are being used for evil and redeem them by using them for good. Remember, God originally created everything for good. It was the devil that began twisting and abusing many things for his evil purposes. Because Jesus defeated the works of the devil on the Cross, He’s given us the freedom to now redeem it all and use it all again for God’s original design – for His Glory!

Over the years Satan has tried to hijack October 31 and use it for his purposes of evil in the world. As Christians we can reject the deeds of the darkness of that day(s) by remembering that it is a day that God has created, and we can intentionally use it for the glory of God and to introduce people to the love of Jesus Christ. This is one way we can Redeem the day that the evil one has been using for his purposes and now use it for something good. 

Rather than hiding out and avoiding the activities of Halloween, how about being proactive and redemptive and use it to share the love of Jesus with everyone we can? Just a thought! The Bible says, all for the glory of God.

A very special THANK YOU to everyone for the Pastor Appreciation Gift of the Blackstone Griddle and the accessories. We do feel very appreciated!


