It’s hard to argue that the days of being a “Casual Christian” are coming to an end. As we move forward in these difficult and confusing days, being a once-in-a-while church attender and a “I’ll get involved one of these days” kind of a Christian just isn’t going to cut it. The lines are being drawn in the sand as to which side are you on, and to whom or what are you going to be committed.

There is no room for having one foot in and one foot out when it comes to following Jesus. 

If you claim to believe in Jesus Christ, you will need to be prepared to take a stand for that belief. Just as we currently see so much of the world expressing its contempt for Israel, it also has the same attitude toward those of us who claim to be Bible-believing, Born Again Christians. They are just not expressing contempt at the moment. The big question is this – “Are you prepared to stand up for your faith and to endure any persecution that might come your way as a result?”

Jesus said in...Matthew 10:22 “And all nations will hate you because you are my followers. But everyone who endures to the end will be saved.”

How can we prepare ourselves for those days?

1) Stay committed and connected to the Church Family – they are your support system. Without that strong connection, you become vulnerable to the attacks and the accusations of the enemy and of the world. 

2) Saturate yourself with the words and the Truth of the Bible. It’s time to take that Bible off the shelf and put it into your heart and your mind. 

3) Pay Attention to what is happening in the world right now and how it lines up with prophecy from the Bible. 

4) Make the most of every opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus with as many people as possible. The days are difficult, and the time is short. There is no time to waste!

5) Watch and Pray! 

It’s time to let our Light shine brightly and not hide it under a basket.


